For an excellent website on cults, support for survivors and more in depth information on World Wide Church of GOD (the mother church of SCEI-1BLOOD) visit:
Mary Jo Schneller, M.A., Ph.D., South County Christian Counseling Center, 10575 Tesson Ferry Rd., St. Louis, MO 63123, (314) 729-0481
Mary Jo is Founder and Director of South County Christian Counseling Center. She is a skilled counselor with a thorough understanding of mind control and traumas related to physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, and spiritual abuse. Their facility also teaches and trains churches, treatment centers, and mental health professionals in the area of traumatic abuse.
Mary Jo is Founder and Director of South County Christian Counseling Center. She is a skilled counselor with a thorough understanding of mind control and traumas related to physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, and spiritual abuse. Their facility also teaches and trains churches, treatment centers, and mental health professionals in the area of traumatic abuse.
MeadowHaven, 18 Crooked Lane, Lakeville, MA 02347, (508) 947-9571
MeadowHaven provides a refuge for former members of high control, destructive groups to rest, heal, and grow in. Healing is fostered in the context of healthy community, relationships with other former members with similar experiences, and a supportive staff who understand the processes of thought reform and mind control. Bob Pardon is Executive Director of MeadowHaven. Currently, he speaks nationally and internationally on cults in general and many groups specifically. He works with families who have lost children to cultic groups, runs support groups for those who have left, conducts extensive research, provides seminars, works with law enforcement when requested, as well as child protection services in many states.
Wellspring Retreat and Resource Center, PO Box 67, Albany, OH 45710, (740) 698-6277
Wellspring was founded by the late Dr. Paul Martin in 1986. It is the world's only accredited residential treatment center specializing in the trauma associated from coercion and exploitation. Wellspring offers a safe haven in Ohio for those who are suffering from mind control and/or mental and psychological trauma as a result of involvement in any abusive group, organization or relationship. They offer hope and help through a program of counseling, education, and retreat.
Gregory Reid, Ph.D., Youth Fire, Box 370006, El Paso, TX 79937, (915) 595-3569 / 920-4685
Greg Reid has been involved in youth work since 1976, and for the last thirteen years has been deeply involved in training law enforcement concerning occult crimes and crimes against children. He has published a number of books on the subject of juvenile occult involvement and crime. He has been featured in many media outlets. He specializes in creating public awareness of the plight of sexually exploited youth and the adult predators that endanger society.
Mothers Against Sexual Abuse, P.O. Box 371, Huntersville, NC 28070, (704) 895-0489
MASA offers educational programs to teachers, child caregivers and professionals for the prevention and detection of child sexual abuse. Provides a resource referral network of professionals who aid in the recovery of children and adults who are survivors of sexual abuse. MASA is a leader in initiating and supporting legislation that protects the children.
American Family Foundation (AFF) & Intl Cultic Studies Association.
Research and professional perspectives on cultic groups to educate the public and help those who have been harmed.
Research and professional perspectives on cultic groups to educate the public and help those who have been harmed.
F.A.C.T.Net (Fight Against Coercive Tactics Network)
Resources & Support for Recovery from the Coercive Practices of Cults & Religions.
Resources & Support for Recovery from the Coercive Practices of Cults & Religions.
Carol Giambalvo, Thought Reform Consultant
Information and consultation for victims of thought reform techniques.
Information and consultation for victims of thought reform techniques.
Rocky Mountain Resource Center (RMRC)
Non-profit, volunteer center serving those affected by or concerned with destructive groups.
Non-profit, volunteer center serving those affected by or concerned with destructive groups.
Online resource for exiting cult members.
Joseph Szimhart, Thought Reform Consultant
Information and consultation for victims of thought reform techniques.
Information and consultation for victims of thought reform techniques.
Wellspring Retreat and Resource Center
A residential treatment center for those abused in relationships, cults, situations of trauma, and by destructive therapeutic alliances.
A residential treatment center for those abused in relationships, cults, situations of trauma, and by destructive therapeutic alliances.